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How it all began.....

     Connie and Gary Fisher bring over 100 years of combined experience to their Beldachs Between the Hills Miniature Wirehaired and Standard Longhaired Dachshunds.  
     Connie has always been privileged to have a dog in her life. Her first canine companion, which arrived six months before she was born, was "Panda" a Spitz / Chow mix. She also grew up with a Sheltie, and with an Irish Setter. In 1980 Connie acquired her first Dachshund and began training, breeding and exhibiting Standard Longhaired Dachshunds. She finished her first dogs in Obedience in 1985 and 1987, and her first Conformation Champion in 1989. She has studied behavior, training techniques, health, nutrition and grooming including advanced classes in Solving Canine Behavior Problems at Cornell University, Healing Touch for Animals, Level I & Level II  with Carol Komitor, CMT, CHTI, CHBMT  and The Anatomy of Movement with (the late) Quentin L. Laham, Ph.D. Connie has earned numerous honors and awards. She  currently serves as President of the Metropolitan Washington Dachshund Club where she has also served as Vice President and Treasurer and she is also on the Board of Directors for the Dachshund Club of America. She is a licensed Conformation, Field Trial and Earth Dog judge. She has judged in Australia and judged the DCA National Specialty.
     Gary began 7 decades ago in 1958 when he started showing Cocker Spaniels and worked at Glenshaw Kennels. He showed his first Dachshund, a Standard Red Longhaired named Cassie, in 1960. Gary also raised and exhibited Schipperkes, Miniature Schnauzers, Norwegian Elkhounds, and Pointers. He was a member of the Professional Handlers Association (PHA) from 1966-1990, finishing over 100 dogs in all seven groups, and operated a successful boarding and grooming kennel for 28 years. He is also Past president and a Life Member of the Beaver County Kennel Club and Life Member of the  Beaver County Humane Society.  Gary was the recipient of The Gaines Medal for Good Sportsmanship. He shares that honor in the company of other distinguished dog fanciers such as Robert Sharp, Anne Clark, Jane Thibault, and Louise Esiason. He currently judges Junior Showmanship, Dachshunds and Beagles. He was a past Vice President and served on the board for the Shawnee Kennel Club and also served on the board for the Blue Ridge Dog Training Club. He continues to share his vast experience and knowledge today by teaching Dog Handling classes.

Our Girls.....


Our foundation Standard Longhair on the left was "Ami" - Casey's Belle Ami of Bayard, CD, CG, ROM  (Top Producer - Register of Merit , Sire - CH. Bayard Le Patou and Dam - Bayard La Fifille II ).  Ami” was one of the last puppies Mary Howell bred and placed before she passed away. Mary was adamant that “Ami” went to a show home and so she came into my life as a brood bitch and also as a companion for my older Dachshund, “Casey”.  Full of vim and vigor until the age of 17 1/2, “Ami” always gave her children, grand children, and great-grand children a “run for their money” in the play yard  and she provided love and nurturing to any litter in the house. She earned a Certificate of Gameness from the American Working Terrier Association . She also earned her C.D. and was the 10th highest scoring Dachshund in Obedience in the country in 1987.​​


Top middle photo is our beautiful "Sadie", CH Beldachs" Meri Cassatt, ROMX (Top Producer - Register of Merit Excellent - "Ami's" Daughter). “Sadie”  was our elegant and stately “queen”. She preferred watching from her “throne” ringside to actually showing, but she finished her championship at the Westminster Kennel Club Show in 1991 by going WB, BOW, and BOS ( at that time it was the last year of regular class competition at the Garden for several years ).  After Westminster, “Sadie’s”  roll was that of the queen mother - providing excellent care to the puppies she produced and, like her mother “Ami”, also looking after her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

Her children included:  CH. Beldachs’ Fattori L, CH. Beldachs’ Degas V Elysium -  A Multiple Specialty Winner, CH. Beldachs’ Country Constable, CH. Beldachs’ Caress De Cassatt, CH. Beldachs’ Crimson Corot -  Multiple Group Winner, #20 Conformation System I - 1992 and #18 Conformation System II - 1993.


To the right of "Sadie"  is "FayWray" - Stonebridge Santa Fe Siddachs, JE, CGC, ROMX 

(Top Producer - Register of Merit Excellent , Sire- Ch. Dachshire Arc Angel L and 

Dam - Ch. Siddach's Nightingale) . I was extremely fortunate to have this beautiful young girl come into my breeding program from my very dearest friend Sidney Stafford. Although "FayWray" fell short of completing her Championship, her greater role was that as a mother . 

Her children included:  CH. Beldachs' Passionate Picasso, CH. Beldachs' Persimmon Picasso, INT & AM CH. Beldachs' Poetic Perry, CH. Beldachs' Radiante Rosetti, JE,

INT. CH. Beldachs' Ruby Rousseau, INT & AM CH. Beldachs' Rosee Robiquet


And Our Boys.....


CH. Beldachs’ Dandy Fritzhund - "Fritz” (Top ) was particularly  special to me - he was "Ami's" son and my first champion, finished exclusively by me. Needless to say we taught each other a lot! I definitely was "green"  and he seemed to know that.  But together he and I persevered and, not only did “Fritz” finish his championship, he finished with a 5 point major at the DFABC show!  I will always love “Fritz” dearly for that experience, because it gave me the confidence and determination to continue to owner- handle all of our “Beldachs” dogs.  "Fritz" sired three litters and one of his children became not only an American Champion, but also an International Champion. “Fritz” was a successful “earth dog” and I often used him for those demonstrations. He  spent  most of his "senior" days enjoying his elder status, but he always loved to sniff out wildlife and he could take my breath away when I watched how efficiently, effortlessly, and beautifully he moved about our property.

CH. Beldachs’ Cezanne Artiste  - "Cezar” (Bottom ) was an especially fun and happy dog. He provided the "clown" compliment to his sister, "Sadie". He was also shown at  the Westminster Kennel Club Show. His stunning conformity to the Dachshund Breed Standard with the correct wrap around front, upper arm / shoulder and layback placement, top line and ribbing & keel set him apart. His children,  grandchildren and great-grandchildren all posessed those same qualities and his exuberance for life. One of his children finished his Field Championship at the age of 14 and his granddaughter, CH Pramada Koradox Hollyhock With Beldachs SL produced the NUMBER ONE DACHSHUND ALL COATS. - February 2024  -  and a Top Hound, BIS BISS GCHG Harewood Royall T Son of a Biscuit SL ("Bagel") !

And Where We Are Today......

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DC Scoshire Scherizade O Siddachs, CD, RI, NAJ, OAP, OJP, MXE2, SXE3, EE2, CA, SWN, SWA, THDN, CGC, TKN, VC, ROMX , "Zod"  (Top Producer - Register of Merit Excellent - Sire: CH Kanix Lionel and Dam: CH Scoshire Lady Miranda) 

My first introduction to DC Scoshire Scherizade O Siddachs was not unlike many of the other times I shared with Sidney Stafford – it was quite unforgettable. Sid and I had bred Standard Longhaired Dachshunds together for several years, but when I met "Zod" for the first time, we had gathered for the Bay Colony and DALI Dachshund Field Trials at the Little Rhody Beagle Grounds in September 2008. I was to judge there for the weekend and "Zod" was being exposed to rabbits in the "bunny pen". Fast forward two years, after many more field trials and dog shows where Sid and I shared time together. We planned to see each other at another field trial in the fall of 2010 which unfortunately didn't come to pass. The shingles she thought she had contracted was actually a tumor on her lungs. I was devastated…my dearest friend. Sid began radiation and chemo therapy shortly thereafter, but in November, she learned that the cancer had metastasized into her bones. I made many trips to Long Island to help care for Sidney and to allow her daughter to return to Paris and her family for awhile. The last few trips became increasing hard as Sid began to lose her fight against the cancer. During one of those trips, Sidney asked me if I would take "Zod", her "heart dog", home with me. I told SId I would be honored to have "Zod" and, through our mutual tears, that I couldn’t even look at "Zod" and not see her. "Zod" has the same soulful eyes as Sidney had on that day. I promised Sid I would get "Zod’s" CD – since that had to be the very first goal according to Sidney and I promised I would continue to do as much with "Zod" as I could to carry on for her. My dear, dear, friend passed away from Cancer April 1, 2011. I never asked Sidney exactly how “Zod” came about her name, but I kew that musical operas, composers, etc. were always a part of her naming protocol. I only know that 6 days later, I had the privilege and blessing of bringing this wonderful girl, “Zod”, home with me to Virginia. The sadness and the tears of that April day are still very real to me. I had lost my very dearest, best friend and now I was to carry on with her “heart dog”. Over the years "Zod" and I  have had many journeys together. She was the DCA Triathlon Dog of the year in 2012 at the Dachshund Club of America National Specialty. "Zod" welcomes every new challenge or venture with gusto, provides comic relief in many of life’s situations, and loves everyone she meets with a roll onto her back and a “hi five”. As a true “veteran” now at the age of 16, she continues to add more titles to her name doing Scent work!! But most importantly, she is my very loving companion, my snuggle buddy, MY "heart dog" and a constant reminder that we have many friends in the dog world…some who will always have a special place in our heart for a lifetime. I can never thank Sidney enough for sharing this very, very special and talented girl with me. And so Scoshire Scherizade O Siddachs became our foundation Miniature Wireharied Dachshund. 

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Our "Zodlets"...

Sire - CH Gleneagle's Almost Famous MW
Dam - 
DC Scoshire Scherizade O Siddachs, CD, RI, NAJ, OAP, OJP, MXE2, SXE3, EE2, CA, SWN, SWA, THDN, CGC, TKN, VC, ROMX

Thanks to Lisa Kennell ( Gleneagle) for allowing us to use her lovely boy "Morgan" for this breeding. "Zod" and all of her children have been tested by Genomia as Lafora Clear.

CH. Beldachs' April In Paris O'Siddachs,


DC CH. Beldachs' Appalachian Spring O'Siddachs,
 Stud Service - PROVEN

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GCS CH. Beldachs' A Song In My Heart O'Siddachs, RI, CGC, TKN - "Ella"

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DC CH. Beldachs' An American In Paris O'Siddachs, BN, RI, ME, SXE, CA, BCAT, CGC, TKN -  Owned, loved and trained by Jamie Bonser - "Henri"

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"April" is our soft, sweet, soulful girl with eyes like her mother. She is pointed in the field and she loves to chase rabbits. She enjoys agility and we are thrilled that she got her first qualification in Open Jumpers at the Dachshund Club of America National Specialty for 2024. "Copland" is our little hunter. He finished his field title with 2 first placements. He is now thoroughly enjoying scentwork and will soon complete his Advanced level elements. We have frozen semen on him and can send fresh chilled as well. "Ella" is a little bit of a "diva" having spent almost a full year on the show circuit and finished off 2019 as the #1 Miniature Female Dachshund in the United States! She then retired to "motherhood" and produced our "Ellowens" Both she and Copland have recently started EarthDog.  "Zod's" other dear boy is "Henri". He is the star of the litter and under the loving care and training of his owner, he is a "7-way" Dachshund! He was invited to the 2019 AKC Rally National Championship in Tulsa, Oklahoma in March 2019. He is now working on yet another title - tracking.                         

Introducing the next generation....our "Ellowens"......

Sire - CH Alegna's Ever So Clever MW
Dam - 
GCS CH. Beldachs' A Song In My Heart O'Siddachs, RI, CGC, TKN 
Thanks to Angela Lloyd ( Alegna ) for allowing us to use her handsome boy "Owen" for this breeding.

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CH. Beldachs' Betcha By Golly Wow At Alegna,
RN , CGC - 

Beldachs' Be-Bop_A-Lula At Alegna,
RN - 

CH. Beldachs' Bless The Broken Road At Alegna, RN,  CGC, TKN - "Rascal"

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CH. Beldachs' Begin The Beguine At Alegna  -  Co-Owned, loved and trained by Angela Lloyd - "Cole" - Stud Service - PROVEN

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This beautiful litter of pups, although born during the pandemic, are working hard to follow in their mother's and grandmother's foot steps. "Genie" just completed her Novice Rally title and is working on her CGC before she goes out again on the show circuit to complete her Grand Championship. "Lulu" has taken a break from her agility training and is hoping to finish her conformation title very soon. "Rascal", our resident clown who loves to play with everyone and constantly has his nose on the ground, is in beginning Scentwork class. And "Cole" has been busy with the "ladies"! He has produced some outstanding puppies, including GCH CH Alegna’s Picture Perfect MW, RN, TD, FDC, NE, BCAT, SWN, SCA, SEA, THDN, RATN, CGCU, TKN, ATT, FITG (“Violet”). He also produced CH Alegna's Francine Nevarez Mw (“Fran”).       

We especially want to thank all of our mentors, colleagues, handlers, judges, & Dachshund friends who have supported our journey with this wonderful and versatile breed over the past 40+ years. 

For pedigrees or additional information

All Rights Reserved   ©2024 Beldachs Between the Hills
No Portions of this website may be copied or reproduced for
PERSONAL OR COMMERCIAL USE without prior written permission
UPDATED August 2024

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